Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"Daily Report"


WA7BZI - "Judas Goat"

W7EIB - (Eats Idol's Butts) Poor little Angelito.  Anal Dumplings' little puppet-on-a-string, oh wait, that's one of those feminine hygiene things!  There's no way that Angelito will ever get smart enough in his lifetime to figure it out.  Dumpling will just continue to smear his face in doggie doo forever.

KK6FR - Frantard has a new flop on his hands.  His latest antenna titled "Lone Ranger II" - The Sequel.

Anyone heard from KI6DKV, Noel? 

N6UGY - Doper Dennis plays the sympathy card and says he's selling his station (did sell his amp) and telling the FCC what he thinks of them - blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  So now he's on the air 24 hours a day instead of 23.  Every time we hear one of these big announcements on ham radio we have a big celebration.  At least Franktard actually got off the air for awhile.

KD6INY - Jeffrey - Wally still dominates despite Anal Dumplings' denied attempt at giving him some love and attention.


Places of Interest



Documents of Interest

Rule of Three
Paranoia - Pandemonium - Pandemic

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