Monday, December 2, 2013

"Daily Report"


7255 - 12:00 PM Synopsis

Isn't it funny how some criticize the "new CBers" showing up on 7255, but they have nothing to say about the "old CBers" like that stupid CYY?  He goes on and on and says nothing of importance.  Then, there's his stupid sidekick K06JD (Just Dumb).  Go back to 27.255!

3740 - 3:00 AM Synopsis

Bad Stan (WG6K - "Defending our nation from enemies foreign and domestic, in the past and present") and Joe (AE7J) are blasted out of their minds!  They can barely talk!  Joe says he's gotta get off the air... says he's going to go out and shoot coyotes!  Wouldn't that just be awful if he shot himself in the foot?  He wouldn't feel a thing!  How can Stan defend anything if he's so shit-faced he can't even talk?

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