Monday, February 24, 2014

"7255 KHz Meltdown"


7255 / 3840 KHz

W7EIB, W6YDG, WK6U & KI6KY are abnormally obsessed with K7EEH, KY6W or whatever his call is.  They even double on themselves, trying to talk to him when he's not even there.  Do they think about him even when they're not on the air talking about him?






WK6U, W6YDG, W7EIB, WA6ATI, KI6KY "Donoholics".

It's not what we post... it's what we don't post.  The bigger the tough guy, the harder he falls.  On the air and off the air, their worlds are crumbling.


M.I.A. from 7132 - N6ETM, KY6W, WD6CFJ, K6RMD, N6RTW, KD6LP.


!!!  MELTDOWN !!!    !!!  MELTDOWN !!!


Paranoia - Pandemonium - Pandemic


Sunday, February 23, 2014

"7255 KHz Meltdown"


The Mother Hubbards had another record day for "Page Veiws" for Saturday.  We wonder what we posted that was so interesting?


It's not what we post... it's what we don't post.


The meltdown of 7255 KHz!


"Dear WA6MFJ...please come back whenever you can
and stir things up a bit.  The Andy Show is DOA and
it looks like there are no more FCW's waiting in the
wings.  A few minutes a day would be plenty to stoke
the fire a little." 



The day of reckoning is coming!

Paranoia - Pandemonium - Pandemic 


Saturday, February 22, 2014

"Daily Report"


Where are all the tough guys?

Documents of Interest

Still being punished


Where are all the tough guys?

Paranoia - Pandemonium - Pandemic


Friday, February 21, 2014

"Daily Report"


Nothing to report.  Everyone's laying low.  We wonder why?  Where are all the big tough guys? 


NF6Y - Randytard was drunk again, but later in the afternoon.   Another alcoholic?


As we predicted last Sunday,  BZI's QRZ page content has been removed!


What's new "Whistle Dick" Woah, Woah, Woah?  He claims he's buying a motorcycle to "travel around and take some pictures".  Without a driver's license?


W6ELP - Ernest must have recieved some bad news.  He's back on 3840 KHz giving death threats and playing religious recordings while setting off his car alarm.  He sounded very irritated.  We can't imagine why!



Saturday of reckoning is coming!

Paranoia - Pandemonium - Pandemic


Thursday, February 20, 2014

"Daily Report"


Where are all the tough guys? 


KD6INY - "Alpha Wally" continues to dominate/control the hamtards.  Jeffrey even successfully managed to jam out two jammers, W6CUP - "Girly Cupp" and KI6JL -  Super Henry I Am Not!  He prevented the jammers from communicating!  Ha ha ha ha! 


They continue to lie, back-stab, story adjust and cover up.  No one dares to bring up their prior actions and statements.  They all want  to find someone, anyone to blame for the things they do.  They have to find a scapegoat.


3:07 PM - NF6Y - Randytard is soooo shitfaced.  Signs out and never came back.


Where are all the tough guys? 


 .-- .... . .-. . / -.. .. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / --. --- / .-- .... .. ... - .-.. . / -.. .. -.-. -.- ..--.. 


Paranoia - Pandemonium - Pandemic

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"Daily Report"


The Mother Hubbards would like to give a big high five to the fine work presented by one of our latest "Mother Hubbard Network" members.  This is their first contribution to the cupboard.  We voted unanimously to place this story at the top of the pile.  Nice work! 

Art:  "Hello test, 1,2 W6OBB Pahrump."
Billy:  "Oh hi Art, oh it’s so good to hear you."
Billy:  "God, it’s good to hear you back on the air, Art.  This is W6WBJ."
Billy:  "So Art, what was the deal with your latest.. uh... retirement?  Was it because that “dead beat daddy” story came out?"
Billy:  "Oh man, that story about your... uh.., your secret family there, that was really devastating.  Jesus Christ!  Art, why didn’t you ever tell anybody about those kids? God damn man... what... what could you have been thinking?"
Billy:  "Yeah, you really screwed up there pal."
Billy:  "Art, the “dead beat dad”. Oh, Jesus Christ!"
Art:  "Helllloo test, 1,2 W6OBB Pahrump."
Billy:  "Oh, we copy you fine, there “dead beat”."
Billy:  "Sounds really good there “dead beat dad”."
Silence... silence... silence.



W6AD - (Andytard, Anal Dumpling, Mister Peepers, Nurse Ratched, The Nurse, Anal Douche, Anal Discharge, Lyin' Lynn, All Done, All Day, A Dud, Anal Dude.) Andytard can’t even fix a screwed up microphone cable.  Thought he was a real ham?  Maybe Andytard should find Noel to come over and fix all of his things around the shack that are broken. 


K6ADO - Still making unidentified comments in his weird voice.


KI6KY - Have you ever wondered why KI6KY incessantly wants the song "Fatty Doo Doo" to be played and then giggles like a little girl, especially at the last words of the song?  It has been suggested that he may be into coprophagia.  Here are the words to the song.  You decide. 

Who's that scootin' on a scooter, Fatty Doo Doo


We got a report that KG0F enjoys The Mother Hubbards.  Thanks for reading!


KD6INY - "Wally" - Jeffrey - Totally dominates the 7255 / 3840 KHz tards.  He controls them.  Ha ha ha ha! 


Documents of Interest


Places of Interest

"Threesome" location



Paranoia - Pandemonium - Pandemic

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Daily Report"


The rotten truth.  The 7255 KHz trash pile has become very high and reached a state of decomposition.  Who can stand the disgusting stench from the 55 compost pile?  It’s all going to decompose soon.  Some of that old crap from the past is going to resurface and it’s really gonna stink!
Right, Andytard?


The fuse has been lit!

Paranoia - Pandemonium - Pandemic


Monday, February 17, 2014

"Daily Report"

02/16/2014 -------------------------------------------

WA7BZI - Friend or foe?  Mofoe!

Expect BZI's QRZ page to disappear soon!


Another travel day.  We all have assignments on the way home.  Look for us in your town soon!


The day of reckoning is coming!

Paranoia - Pandemonium - Pandemic

Sunday, February 16, 2014

"Daily Report"


Went to Das Bratwurst Haus.  We had pork loin schnitzel, baked schweine haxen and apple strudel.  It was very good.  We went to a couple of clubs and ended up at the Quechan Casino.  Yuma has no night life.


This is our new friend Leo.  He's very smart.  Smarter than most amateur radio operators and he's not thin skinned.  


We could not figure out what the hell these guys were looking at.  A couple of them were sitting awfully close to each other.  Typical hamtards.



Travel day.  Coming to your town soon!

The day of reckoning is coming!

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, February 15, 2014

"Happy Valentine's Day"


Limited monitoring today.  KK6FR - Franktard and KK6GYV (Gobbles Your Vomit) are producing "The Lone Ranger" - Part Three.  When is Franktard going to break down and ask W6AD - (Andytard, Anal Dumpling, Mister Peepers, Nurse Ratched, The Nurse, Anal Douche, Lyin' Lynn, All Done, Anal Discharge) for his antenna expertise? 


Super Henry I Am!  Poor Super Henry.


Incoming information about KI6DKV needs to be more credible.  Have him contact The Mother Hubbards directly. 


Dissension amongst the ranks.  Pressure is being placed on stations who continue to repeatedly transmit directly to KD6INY - Jeffrey - Wally.  Interestingly, they are being shunned by stations who believe that those who knowingly transmit to stations out of their sub-band are also in violation of FCC Part 97. 


Despite meeting with some contacts, Yuma is a disappointment so far.  Not much UHF/VHF chatter.  Maybe we shouldn't have pre-announced our trip?  We won't tell where we're going tonight. 


We'll be looking for W6CUP and "Whistle Dick".


Thanks to one of the new Mother Hubbard's connections.


 The fuse has been lit! 

The day of reckoning is coming!

Thanks for reading!