W6AD - Angel Dust, Arrogant Dick, Andytard, Anal Dumpling, Asshole Driller, Mister Peepers, The Nurse, Nurse Ratched, Anal Douche, Lyin' Lynn, All Done, Anal Dildo, All Day, A Dud, Anal Dick, Anal Discharge.
Can't even fix a mike plug!
Not a real ham! #1 dumb ass!
TMH have been notified that someone has purchased properties in Butte County, CA and will be commuting across state lines for visits. Long time listener, first time caller.
Wally - TMH understand that the FCC Enforcement Bureau
is considering action against Jeffrey
Wishard, KD6INY for out-of- band operation and other interference infractions
(multiple violations of Part 97). TMH
have also been informed that a warning letter might be on it’s way. They will crumble one by one!
Be patient!
Be patient!
7255 KHz - KJ6OAX, K6ADO, KI6KY were knowingly and deliberately, jamming legitimate “Field Day” stations. They were sitting there waiting on a quiet frequency like buzzards. What pathetic losers!
The Radio Amateur is:
Considerate... never knowingly uses the air in such a way to lesson the pleasure of others.
W6AD - Is never considerate. If anyone disagrees with his opinion, he will talk over them and jam them. If his radio is on, he’s constantly talking. He will NOT share the frequency.
Loyal... offers loyalty, encouragement and support to their fellow radio amateurs, their local radio club, and to the American Radio Relay League, through which Amateur Radio is represented.
W6AD - He is only loyal to his sucks... only those who agree with him.
Progressive... with
knowledge abreast of science. It is well-built and efficient. Operating
practice is above reproach.
W6AD - He’s not Progressive, he’s a Liberal!
W6AD - He’s not Progressive, he’s a Liberal!
Friendly... slow and patient sending when requested, friendly advice and counsel to the beginner, kindly assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of others. These are marks of the amateur spirit.
W6AD - Is mean spirited. He “advises and councils” with lies and misinformation. He does not like or welcome female radio operators. He calls them “mean old bitch”. He is also a known jammer from the old WESTCARS days.
Balanced... radio is their hobby. They never allow it to interfere with any of the duties they owe to their home, job, school, or community.
W6AD - Is mentally imbalanced. He needs to attend to his family and get his fat ass off the radio. He spends way too much time on the radio.
Patriotic... their knowledge and their station are always ready for the service of his country and their community.
W6AD - Is a know-it-all. He will only help when others agree with him. If you don’t agree with him, he will talk over you and jam you - trying to prevent others from hearing you speak the truth.
W6AD - Is NOT a real ham.
In the eyes of real hams (which he is NOT and is too stupid to realize it) he could never be a real ham, as he was only able to get the one by two old timer call because he did NOT have to pass 20 wpm CW test. He is a WELFARE Extra class operator... NOT A REAL HAM ! He could never pass 20 wpm!
W6AD - Angel Dust, Arrogant Dick, Andytard, Anal Dumpling, Asshole Driller, Mister Peepers, Nurse Ratched, The Nurse, Anal Douche, Lyin' Lynn, All Done, All Day, A Dud, Anal Dick, Anal Discharge, and N6ERP - Mr Suck, try to re-write the 40 meter War Zone history book. Any newbies listening to AD should NOT just accept Lyin' Lynn's words. His words are full of lies. TMH have been informed that AD himself is one of the biggest radio jammers of all 40 meter history. He was the main jammer of the WESTCARS net! He lies. He transmits misinformation. AD really needs to take a break from his "nursing duties", get away from the radio and get some exercise. N6ERP - is full of shit also. Trying to cover up AD's jamming past. N6ERP used to call Andy a "scumbag". Now, all of a sudden, they're friends?
N6ERP - Mister Suck!
Sources inform TMH that N6MIW is shacking up with W6YDG! Is MIW the one going by the code name "Lisa" in his tiny voice? Could this be why W7EIB is so mad and bitchy lately? So much jealousy! So many court dates!
Another new 7255 KHz dumb ass!

W6YDG - Claims to have a new girlfriend. Will she be in court later this month? We'll see. Trying to show his buttys that he's not gay for KI6W or whatever his call is. W6YDG, you're still gay. EIB is so pissed.
We hear you "Whistledick". Those old guys sure get tired of your stupid shit. How ya going to ride that bike with no drivers license? He's making the rounds on all bands, kissing asses. Maybe he's been layin' low long enough that everyone will forget how much of a piece of shit he is. TMH and WA6MFJ won't forget.
Where are all the tough guys?
WQ6I - Moody has flipped out. He doesn't get the facts right, even seconds after something has been said! No wonder WARFA gets jammed. And Jim, what's his call, he's so stupid and so hard to understand. No wonder WARFA gets jammed!
W6CUP - Sold his Viagra jacket on ebay! Was it too stiff? The hat must have been a nice touch! Did he send out any pictures with it on?
He paid "$163.00 for it some time ago"!
Dumb ass!
Out of all of W6AD's nicknames, Lyin' Lynn fits the best.
What a lyin' creep!
W6AD - Andytard, Anal Dumpling, Mister Peepers, The Nurse, Anal Douche, Lyin' Lynn, All Done. He claims he never visits TMH. Liar!
Host name: adsl-69-224-190-24.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net
Host name: adsl-69-224-190-24.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net
NF6Y - Randytard, the alcoholic, jumps on Frank for his CB history. Randytard is the biggest CBer on 7255! Randytard has sucked up to a couple of new drinkin' buddies too. He claims, "I never jammed Billy". Bullshit! Six months ago, night after night, he would jam the CPS net on 3830 kHz.
Rats on a sinking ship.
Rats on a sinking ship.
Deafening silence.
Not the best Dayton. This year lacks innovation. There's always a lot of stupid shit going on!
Tonight was dinner at a little hole in the wall, Taqueria Mixteca. The real deal. More tomorrow.
Paranoia - Pandemonium - Pandemic
Paranoia - Pandemonium - Pandemic
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