Saturday, March 8, 2014

W6ELP - The Road To Distruction



WA6DTV - 75 meter shit disturber.  He will argue about anything and everything.  He adds nothing to a conversation.  He goes up and down the band looking for QSOs to disruptHe is never welcome.
Terrorist jammer.

W6AD is a lying piece of shit.  He is living a miserable life and it shows.  Miserable.


W6ELP lies.  He says he's NEVER been in jail.  He's been in jail twice.

W6ELP - He stays off the air long enough to sober up and then he sucks it up like a sponge.  He has a long history of alcohol abuse and violence.  TMH suspect he has moved on to harder substances to kill the pain.  And, this bastard is in a LOT of pain, especially since his poor, mistreated wife has the judge ordering the sale of the house.  Good for her!  That will happen 09/21/16.  The photo source says, "he's in bad shape".


Maybe he can move in with one of the 7255 khz or 3840 khz drug addicts!


KI6JL - The spider beam story.  Karma!


The short-bus full of ham radio losers.


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