A couple of us picked up some of the Ten Tec kits. Really well designed. Keep an eye on the Ustream feeds. Oh, wait. None of the "tought guys" will be here. Pictures uploaded later.
Members of The Mother Hubbard's crew are headed to Dayton! We’ll be looking for some of the “tough guys”. Stay tuned!
This just in!
TMH have learned from one of our sources, the origin of who gave up the "Secret Government" cell phone number!
Hamtards are so stupid. They probably also think they can beat radar!
Originating-IP: is from United States
Host name: te-17-10-cdn01.scotts.ca.sfba.comcast.net
Originating-IP: is from United States
Host name: omta03.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net
Originating-IP: is from United States
Host name: resmail-po-067v.sys.comcast.net
Originating-IP: is from United States
Host name: wamui-haziran.atl.sa.earthlink.net
Originating-IP: is from United States
Host name: nm28-vm3.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com
Originating-IP: is from United States
Host name: 108-210-205-94.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net
Originating-IP: is from United States
Host name: adsl-69-224-190-24.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net
Originating-IP: is from United States
Host name: c-69-250-37-206.hsd1.dc.comcast.net
Originating-IP: is from United States
Host name: c-67-185-33-65.hsd1.wa.comcast.net
Originating-IP: is from United States
Host name: c-24-20-167-18.hsd1.or.comcast.net
TMH are dug in for the long haul. Bring it on. There’s a lot more that we haven’t posted. We have their fingerprints. The noose is around their pencil necks! All the "tough guys".
Stay tuned for the hangings!
Thanks to our friends at Project Honey Pot.
Thanks to our friends at Project Honey Pot.
You've probably heard it. W6YDG proposes marriage to KY6W! Can you image YDG saying "Rainwater, Rainwater, Don, Don, KY6W" in his sleep! Every word! No wonder YDG's wife dumped him and dumped on him! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Poor loser!
My grandfather would be proud of my disgusting language on the air!
My grandfather would be proud of my disgusting language on the air!
W6YDG (Yanks Don's Gonads), W7EIB (Eats In Butts) go to Davis for a three-way with KI6KY! It's about time. YDG's radio lust for KY6W was sure showing his gayness and he was about to burst. Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.
For a good time call (831) 682-1777
Poor slimeball!
For a good time call (831) 682-1777
Poor slimeball!
Make note of who's MIA. TMH drive them over the edge, one loser at a time! We do hear you, "Whistledick" but we just don't care about you, you loser!
A shout-out to Nelida! - Busted!
TMH are involved with issues behind the scene that have not been posted yet.
God & TMH are punishing them and they are miserable!
God & TMH are punishing them and they are miserable!
K6TXH - Gets them riled up on 3846. These "tough guys" are going to get Steve-o off the air! KB6WBO, K7MGM, AA7SQ, WQ6I. Moody sure is stupid.
W6YDG (Yanking Don's Gonads) is in total meltdown and being punished. W6YDG's call should be W6SDG (Sucks Don's Gonads). You are the worthless piece of shit YDG, we mean SDG. You will crash and burn you loser!
Not sure whose voice it was said, "YDG definitely needs a drug screening from his employer."
So many court dates, so little time!
Not sure whose voice it was said, "YDG definitely needs a drug screening from his employer."
So many court dates, so little time!
NF6Y - Randytard has one more drunk day before the wifey comes home. 1:00 PM and he is shitfaced already and being punished! Time for intervention ? Who will be the "radio friend" that takes him in? He doesn't have any friends? What about the ones that he sends shit to? Certainly one of them will reciprocate with true friendship.
KD6INY - Wally is being punished and will be off the air soon!
W6ELP - This poor slob has more troubles than we can post. All these court dates to try and stay sober for. His attorney quits. God is punishing him!
June 19 court date!
June 19 court date!
TMH keep adding things to past posts. They're going to have to read it to know what's in it.
The "Johnnie Stalker" has reportedly been very strong numerous times by a mobile operator in Alamo, CA.
We are still here. We are still deeply engaged. The monitoring and information gathering network is working. The targets have been identified. Get a grasp on what they are, what they do and what is becoming of them. They are being punished.
TMH keep adding things to past posts. They're going to have to read it to know what's in it.
The "Johnnie Stalker" has reportedly been very strong numerous times by a mobile operator in Alamo, CA.
We are still here. We are still deeply engaged. The monitoring and information gathering network is working. The targets have been identified. Get a grasp on what they are, what they do and what is becoming of them. They are being punished.
The fruits of our labor. Trouble continues to mount for some of the "Bonees" as they start disappearing from the airwaves one by one.
Paranoia - Pandemonium - Pandemic
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