Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Daily Report"


7255 KHz  1:00 PM Synopsis

KK7JK - BW apologizes and explains how the license change was because of a mistake he made in filling out a form.

At least there's someone out there that can fess up to their mistakes.  A big Mother Hubbards "hats off" to BW!

Are you listening Andytard?


3840 KHz  10:00 PM Synopsis

WA7BZI (Big Zit Infestation) - is a snake and coward.  He has decided to make a project of Reverend Frank.  Now that Frank is calling him out on the air every couple minutes of the day he is M.I.A.  This has been going on since about Sunday.  So instead of going after the jammers up north close to him and actually doing some real worthwhile investigation or a near field intercept, he is singling out stations and then refusing to confront them on air.  He crawls into his little hole and won't come out till the coast is clear.  BZI is not too bright it seems because with Frank, the coast will never be clear and he will have to come out for air sooner or later.  Think what you want about Frank, but I think the "Big Shot Seattle Radio Cop" and self professed "Savior of Ham Radio on the West Coast" picked the wrong target this time.  We shall see.


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