Saturday, January 18, 2014

"Daily Report"

The top Google search term on the Mother Hubbard's stats page is "7255 KHz franktard" (214 hits). 


7255 KHz 7:30 AM Synopsis

KK6GYV (gobbles your vomit) or (Greg yodels vomit) - hangs onto Franktard like a starving little piglet.  Like Noel used to do.  Gregtard surely is not "the most entertaining ham ever".  Wonder how long before Reverend Franktard throws Gregtard under the short bus.
7255 KHz 12:30 PM Synopsis

WA6MFJ - grilling the hell out of KI6JL Hanktard who now says he never lost his license.  Huge story adjustment.  Bobby is calling him everything but a liar.  No... wait.... he is calling him a liar.
You don't suppose the FCC is holding up Doper Dennis' license renewal because of his stupid YouTube copter videos do ya?  Boring!!!! 


No matter how bad it gets for him, Andytard is a true liberal and will never badmouth Obamacare.  Says he has to spend two hours a day (some days much more) this week on the phone trying to get the prescription thing straightened out but, "It's just fine".  Blames everything on the insurance company.  Are we missing something?  If it wasn't for Obamacare nothing would have changed and he wouldn't have to be on the phone for 4 hours every day.  But... it's all warm and fuzzy for Anal Dumpling.  Anal Dumplings must come from outer space.

Anal Dumpling is so busy on the phone that Randytard is feeling left out... he is so mentally slow it is difficult for him to "keep up" and he seems to be outdoing himself lately acting stupid... he has no limits. 

7255 KHz 2:30 PM Synopsis

WB6CYY - "N6ETM is the Johnnie Stalker.  I figured that out a long time ago.  Years ago, WD6CFJ and Rainwater (what call does he use now?) followed me around Solvang - put notes on my windshield and took pictures."  What an idiot. 
3840 KHz 9:20 PM Synopsis

WA7BZI and KK6FR have a 75 meter make-out session!  BZI tells Frank, "you keep the F words and F bombs out of your routine and we'll get along just fine."  What?  BZI also says he and the FCC know who the jammers are.  "I'm working with the FCC in Seattle and other places and we are zeroing in on them.  We are going to clean up 3840 and 7255."  What?  Reverend Franktard was all nicey nice to BZI.  This should be interesting! 


N6UGY - Yes, it appears that "Doper Dennis" is "on a list" and must be reviewed manually by the enforcement bureau and thus his application has been taken "offline".  Applications that are taken offline do not receive an automated action, but an actual individual must process the application.  If you are on some type of "list" this could complicate matters that have not been resolved or thoroughly investigated.  Doper Dennis is "on the list".  No doubt about it.  So, what's the outcome? It all depends on how that "list" is handled.  He can be placed into a state of limbo if so deemed.  Wait a minute, isn't he already in a mental state of limbo?

Alert List - A list maintained by the FCC staff that identifies potential categories of "problem" applications so that ULS can identify them and send them offline for manual processing. The alert list function can then be used to flag applications based on the identity of the applicant, the spectrum being applied for, or the type of license being sought. For example, if an application is received for spectrum that is the subject of an ongoing rulemaking proceeding, that application would be offlined by ULS. The staff would then need to override a system alert in order to grant the application. 

Clearance Check - An automated process performed by ULS that determines if an application requires further review/action, either automated or manual. Examples of clearance checks include alert list, international coordination, antenna structure, and basic qualifications. 

Dismissal - FCC action terminating processing of an application that is determined to be defective or otherwise not in conformance with the Commission's rules. If an application is dismissed, the applicant may be entitled to refile under applicable rules, but the refiled application will be treated as a new application. Dismissal of an application is distinct from denial of an application, which may occur if an application is contested. An application will be dismissed when the application is not grantable on its face. An application will be denied even if it is grantable on its face, if the Commission determines that grant of the application would not be in the public interest.

History - This option lists each significant event that occurred during the processing of the application, as well as the date on which the event occurred. These events could include items such as License Canceled, Application Granted, or Offlined for Fee Determination. 

Offlined Application - An application that requires manual review to determine if it should be granted, returned, or dismissed. In ULS, offlined applications are sent to Inbox for further processing. 

Pending Status - an application that has been successfully filed in ULS and is awaiting FCC action. Pending Status 1 refers to applications that have been submitted but not processed by ULS. Pending Status 2 refers to applications that have been submitted and need examiner intervention before a decision on the application can be reached.  THIS IS THE ONE IN K6THX's PACKAGE AND HE TO THIS DAY DENIES IT, BUT THERE IT IS IN BLACK AND WHITE, "TERMINATED". 

Termination - An action by the Commission to rescind an existing license before its expiration date for failure by the licensee to fulfill a condition of the license, meet a construction or coverage requirement, or for another reason such as a rule violation by the licensee. ULS uses "cancellation" to refer to action requested by the licensee, while "termination" refers to action initiated by the FCC. Note that a licensee may have certain procedural rights before the FCC can terminate its license, e.g., a right to a hearing, unless the rules specifically provide for automatic termination.

We'll see.




  1. Great read. Andytard has to make up what he does during the day due to the FACT he is the only person that wacks his weeds for 8 weeks straight or split and stack 1 chord of wood for 3 months. MH, this is all on a postage stamp lot that is far from pristene.

  2. Thank you for your comments. You won't get "doubled on" here!


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