Thursday, January 16, 2014

"Daily Report"


7255 KHz 8:30 AM Synopsis

Reports from the "back channel" indicate that Franktard has one agenda for 7255.  To cause disruption.  Reports say he's even delusional, irrational and disconnected on the "back channel".  These reports concur with the sentiments of the Mother Hubbards that Frankdumpling might be ready to snap again.  Again, we wonder why he didn't use his filthy language in his letter to the FCC's Miss Smith?

7255 KHz 12:30 PM Synopsis

The CBers are upset.  Their code readers can't copy what's being said about them!  You don't suppose they'll become "real hams" and learn the code (ooops, I meant ditty bop)?  No way.


Anal Dumpling - Still feeling the grips of Obamacare.  He's really pissed.  The phone calls are cutting into his airtime! 

3840 KHz 7:30 PM Synopsis




  1. I just mite be your wife new husband after you check out of this world and I be spending the money you save up all your life you better enjoy your money or I mite be spending it all


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